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Twi's Story

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Twi's Story Empty Twi's Story

Post by Tunduli Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:19 am

Yeah. I have a sprite thread AND a Fanfic now. W00t. xD; It's basically about a strangely coloured Smeargle who knows Transform. xD Or at least ... it is for now. *cue dramatic music*


Chapter 1.

Everything surrounding was wet and dark. Even the sky was a dull colour, dismissing the frequent fall of rain. As far as she could see, no other Pokemon were around the young Smeargle.

As she scampered down Route 210, she was suddenly enveloped in fog. The Smeargle halted abruptly and listened, her ears perking up in interest. A sound seemed to be coming from the right. She could see nothing at either side, though.

The "thing coming from her right" was a small Shuppet named Chichi. With his superior eyesight, he looked around, All that could be seen near him was a small, strangely coloured, black and purple, Zigzagoon.

Huh, weird seeing one of those here, Chichi thought to himself. He watched the Zigzagoon scamper through the fog quietly. And the colours, too. I wonder what sorta puddle they went through this morning, heheheh.

There was a rumbling from the trees to the right. Slowly, and rather ungracefully, a large Dragonite stepped out from the shadowy trees. Long green glow sticks attatched to a collar illuminated his neck and chin. It gave him a cool and controlled look, and when the green light came up onto his cheeks, he looked ominous and mysterious. The collar and lights matched his personality perfectly.

"Come on then, Seafare." Chichi adressed the Dragonite. They wandered off through the wet grass and fog, searching.

Meanwhile, the oddly coloured Zigzagoon scampered further through the fog, the opposite way of Chichi and Seafare. With a quick glance around, the Zigzagoon stood up on its hind legs and tranformed back into that young Smeargle that was seen earlier.

After a few minutes of trudging through both rain, puddles and tall grass, the Smeargle finally reached her destination: A large row of trees near the bottom of Route 210. She slipped through the third and fourth trees to enter Mama's Nest.

Many young Pokemon were either sleeping or playing happily around the well lit, dry cave. Everyone, including the older Pokemon, were all looking cheerful and bright, very glad and upbeat in this safe haven, and be out of the cold, wet and dark - with their family.

Dampening all the happy spirits was the dark, emotionless Smeargle. She walked through the cave, avoiding eye contact with everyone, apart from the Receptionist, Sally the Persian, who was staring down at the Reception book at the very back end of the cave.

The Smeargle went over to Sally and knocked softly on the desk. The Persian looked up at the Smeargle and said loudly and flatly, "Name?"

The Smeargle looked away from Sally.

"Twi," she replied quietly.

"A newcomer, eh?" Sally questioned, smiling to herself, and jotting down some of the Smeargle's details. Twi didn't reply. Sally cleared her throat and said loudly, "Have you been here before?"

"Wh-what? Oh, right, no," Twi answered, with no emotion in her tone of voice, or, in fact, her face.

"Family history?" Sally asked, sounding rather annoyed now.

Suddenly, Twi's head throbbed. There was a pain so intense, she had never felt before. She clutched her head and screamed, dropping down on her knees. Twi groaned loudly, she could sense everyone was staring, scared, at her. Young Pokemon hid behind their elders and older Pokemon stared in awe. It was not normally you would see a Pokemon being so groany in Mama's Nest.

There were mixed noises of surprisment and rudeness, until a kind yet strong voice said, "Darling, are you okay?"

Twi slowly and finally opened her eyes. Everything was so bright compared to the darkness inside her head.

A kind, smiling Floatzel's face was looking down upon her. "It'll be okay, honey," The Floatzel smiled.
Chapter 2 coming soon. xD
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Twi's Story Empty Re: Twi's Story

Post by TheLotus Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:56 am

Tunduli wrote:
Yeah. I have a sprite thread AND a Fanfic now. W00t. xD; It's basically about a strangely coloured Smeargle who knows Transform. xD Or at least ... it is for now. *cue dramatic music*


Chapter 1.

Everything surrounding was wet and dark. Even the sky was a dull colour, dismissing the frequent fall of rain. As far as she could see, no other Pokemon were around the young Smeargle.

As she scampered down Route 210, she was suddenly enveloped in fog. The Smeargle halted abruptly and listened, her ears perking up in interest. A sound seemed to be coming from the right. She could see nothing at either side, though.

The "thing coming from her right" was a small Shuppet named Chichi. With his superior eyesight, he looked around, All that could be seen near him was a small, strangely coloured, black and purple, Zigzagoon.

Huh, weird seeing one of those here, Chichi thought to himself. He watched the Zigzagoon scamper through the fog quietly. And the colours, too. I wonder what sorta puddle they went through this morning, heheheh.

There was a rumbling from the trees to the right. Slowly, and rather ungracefully, a large Dragonite stepped out from the shadowy trees. Long green glow sticks attatched to a collar illuminated his neck and chin. It gave him a cool and controlled look, and when the green light came up onto his cheeks, he looked ominous and mysterious. The collar and lights matched his personality perfectly.

"Come on then, Seafare." Chichi adressed the Dragonite. They wandered off through the wet grass and fog, searching.

Meanwhile, the oddly coloured Zigzagoon scampered further through the fog, the opposite way of Chichi and Seafare. With a quick glance around, the Zigzagoon stood up on its hind legs and tranformed back into that young Smeargle that was seen earlier.

After a few minutes of trudging through both rain, puddles and tall grass, the Smeargle finally reached her destination: A large row of trees near the bottom of Route 210. She slipped through the third and fourth trees to enter Mama's Nest.

Many young Pokemon were either sleeping or playing happily around the well lit, dry cave. Everyone, including the older Pokemon, were all looking cheerful and bright, very glad and upbeat in this safe haven, and be out of the cold, wet and dark - with their family.

Dampening all the happy spirits was the dark, emotionless Smeargle. She walked through the cave, avoiding eye contact with everyone, apart from the Receptionist, Sally the Persian, who was staring down at the Reception book at the very back end of the cave.

The Smeargle went over to Sally and knocked softly on the desk. The Persian looked up at the Smeargle and said loudly and flatly, "Name?"

The Smeargle looked away from Sally.

"Twi," she replied quietly.

"A newcomer, eh?" Sally questioned, smiling to herself, and jotting down some of the Smeargle's details. Twi didn't reply. Sally cleared her throat and said loudly, "Have you been here before?"

"Wh-what? Oh, right, no," Twi answered, with no emotion in her tone of voice, or, in fact, her face.

"Family history?" Sally asked, sounding rather annoyed now.

Suddenly, Twi's head throbbed. There was a pain so intense, she had never felt before. She clutched her head and screamed, dropping down on her knees. Twi groaned loudly, she could sense everyone was staring, scared, at her. Young Pokemon hid behind their elders and older Pokemon stared in awe. It was not normally you would see a Pokemon being so groany in Mama's Nest.

There were mixed noises of surprisment and rudeness, until a kind yet strong voice said, "Darling, are you okay?"

Twi slowly and finally opened her eyes. Everything was so bright compared to the darkness inside her head.

A kind, smiling Floatzel's face was looking down upon her. "It'll be okay, honey," The Floatzel smiled.
Chapter 2 coming soon. xD

OMG whens the next chapter!
That was really good.
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Twi's Story Empty Re: Twi's Story

Post by Tunduli Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:04 pm

Chapter 2 nao. ^^ Thanks Valor. xD Or whatever I should call you. o3o
Chapter 2.

The Floatzel helped Twi back onto her feet. Although she had stopped groaning, the pain in Twi's head was still there. The cave around her seemed to be spinning. Even the other Pokemon around her seemed to be twirling and waving around before her eyes.

"Who ... who are you?" Twi asked the Floatzel.

The Floatzel laughed happily. Twi was unsure about the Floatzel's emotions; - Was she happy? Or did she think that Twi was stupid?

"Why, honey," The Floatzel smiled, patting Twi's back. "I'm the founder of this place. I'm Mama, silly lil' darlin'."

Twi frowned.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" She asked. She shuffled from one foot to the other and pouted up at Mama. Twi was feeling quite embarassed, not even knowing who the owner of this place was.

Mama smiled at Twi warmly. She had one of those faces that felt welcoming and kind, however she smiled at you, and however she looked at you. Mama seemed to be just a kind, caring Pokemon.

"Why, no, honey," she explained to Twi. "You seem rather smart - with thinking things, y'know? But I sense you have a problem with people, darlin'. You don't quite no how to speak or react to them, I'm thinkin'."

Twi kept her mouth tightly shut. By now, the cave around her had stopped spinning and seemed normal. Pretty much everyone had moved away now, minding their own business and not bothering Twi and Mama. But Twi was already half-bothered by what Mama had said; she knew it was true, but she tended not to think about it, and she would try to hide it every chance she got. Mind you, she thought to herself, it's not hard to hide it when I don't really have a chance to show it. I guess I don't talk to too many people ...

"Why'd you come here, darlin'?" Mama asked, distrupting Twi's stream of thought.

"I..." Twi said slowly. As she thought about what she was about to say over in her mind, her head started to hurt a bit. "I, well, I don't have a family," her head throbbed with those words, "and I don't know anything about myself. I need somewhere to stay."

"Ahh, honey," Mama lead Twi through the cave, passing many tables and chairs until they went into a small hall, "I have just the right room for you. But first, darlin', we gotta check up on you."

Mama took Twi along the cave to the Doctor's Office. When they got there, Dr. Markis, the Slowking, greeted Mama and Twi.

"Getting a check-up on a new arrival, Mama?" Dr. Markis asked, smiling.

Twi was surprised - even the adults called her Mama? She laughed in her head as she thought to herself, I wonder if she was born with the name Mama. That would be reeeaally weird. Even when she was a baby, people would call her Mama, heheh ... or, maybe, she's reeeaally old and she's everyone's Mama? Hmm ...

"Just sit up on my examination table," Dr. Markis said, smiling softly.

Twi lifted herself up onto the table. She wasn't used to being "checked up" - This whole idea was new to her. She didn't even know much about living indoors, even in a cave, even though she was not a child. She was just plain used to being wild, living wild.

"Well, little lady, you look rather dirty," Mr. Markis said, looking up and down at her black fur. "I'll get a wet sponge and start cleaning you."

Dr. Markis walked over to the sink and picked up a yellow sponge, soaking it underneath the warm tap. As he squirted some soap on it, Twi thought to herself and looked around the small, unnaturally clean and white room.

What does he mean? she thought. I'm not dirty, I'm naturally black. Always have been, always will. Isn't that normal?

Dr. Markis waddled back over to Twi, sponge in hand. He started to gently scrub her fur. The blackness just wouldn't come off, and the Dr's face started to look agitated. He vigorously rubbed her up and down with the sponge, until he got to her tail.

Twi yelped as her tail squirmed.

Dr Markis frowned and apoligised. He started to scrub her tail gently now.

Twi quickly hissed a warning, but Dr Markis continued to scrub, completely dismissing Twi's irritation. Without thinking, Twi transformed into a black and purple Jolteon and screeched at Dr Markis. Whilst Dr Markis was still trying to think about the fact that a Smeargle had just turned into a Jolteon, Twi used a harsh Discharge on him. The fur on her back stayed bolt upright.

Both Dr Markis and Mama were in total disbelief. Dr Markis had been Paralysed by Twi's Discharge-move, and Mama was almost paralysed by the sight - a black and purple Jolteon. It was unbelievable.

While Dr Markis and Mama were staring at her, Twi transformed back into her normal form of a Smeargle. She sat there one the examining table as if nothing had ever happened.

Of course, she thought it ompletely normal for a Pokemon to shapeshift. She had seen Dittos do it all the time, so - what was wrong with her, a Smeargle, doing it? She didn't notice that it was supposed to be only dittos that could transform. Twi wasn't the most intelligent of Pokemon.

"Well, um," Mama stuttered. "Twi, I see you're uh ... erm ... well, a little special, darlin'."

"What do you mean?" Twi asked innocently, slightly cluelessly.

"Well, hun," Mama began to explain ...
Mama had explained to Twi about Dittos using Transform, and the rules to it - which were much shorter than Twi's rules. Dittos could transform at will, but only into Pokemon or people that they had seen and interacted with - and they would obtain their moveset, too. Whereas Twi, she could transform into any Pokemon she had heard of and had a good mental picture and knowledge about, and could use any moves that were learnable by that Pokemon. The only catch is that they would be in the same colourscheme as her, black with purple features.
"Well, it's dinner now." Mama smiled, "But you can have it upstairs by yourself, just this once. Oh, and you'll be sharing a room with Calia. I have a feeling you two will get along."
Hope everyone likes! ^^
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Twi's Story Empty Re: Twi's Story

Post by The Dyslexic One Wed May 26, 2010 6:43 am

Woah, this is really good Tun. When's the next chapter? xD
The Dyslexic One
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