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Beginner FAQ

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Beginner FAQ Empty Beginner FAQ

Post by TheLotus Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:06 pm

Hey everyone :3
I decided to post this thread for all noob members.
Its my FAQ because these Q and A's aren't in the Site's FAQ

Q:How come I can't see my Sig pic?
A: Have you actually put a sig pic up and saved it.If so when you post your sig pic(s) will be shown, but only if you turn them on which can be activated by clicking the options "Attach Signature*

Q: How come I can't change my usertitle?
A: Your custom usertitle can only change when your post count increases. Staff and members can't change their usertitle unless granted permission from Virgo.

Q: How come the avatars are displayed on the right side instead of the left?
A: Its a custom thing that can possibly be changed, through the permission of Virgo of course.

Q: A staff member is harassing me how can I stop this?
A: Pm an administrator or a super moderator you trust. We will deal with it. If their is no reply, forward the pm's to Virgo or myself.

Q: How do I leave visitor messages?
A: When viewing a members profile click the tab that says "Visitor Messages" then on the right side it should say new P.M (personal message) then it should take you to where you can post your visitor message.Note: Members do not recieve pm's saying they have a new visitor message so please don't get mad at them if they don't reply right away, it may take some time for the member to check.Please be patient.

Q: How do I accept friend requests?
A: If you want a certain member to be your friend click the "add to friend list" which can be viewed on that members profile.Then the member you send the request to can accept it.Please note: If you wanna see if the member has accepted your friend request or not,click on their profile and look under their avatar and information.
Regional Mod

Posts : 74
Join date : 2010-04-05
Age : 31
Location : Playing assassins creed 2 message me if you need me.

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