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PElite Rules

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PElite Rules Empty PElite Rules

Post by TheVirgo Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:24 pm

1. No SPAM
2. The character limit for posts is 20 characters and the word limit is 4 words
3. No Double Posting
4. No reviving threads that have been inactive for more than 2 weeks
5. Respect all members of the board
6. Comply with all orders given by the staff. If you have a problem, PM me
7. Advertisements should be run by me or the other admin before being put in signatures, groups, etc.
8. Don't ask about members that have been banned
9. Members are allowed 1 account. If you'd like your username changed, PM me
10. If you cannot think up appropriate tags for a thread, leave it blank

These are the overall forum rules. They are the same on all forums along with rules that comply with common sense. Obviously, doing something against common sense will be breaking some rule and will result in a warning.

Posts : 101
Join date : 2010-04-05
Age : 30
Location : Wonderland


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