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Pokemon Johto

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Pokemon Johto Empty Pokemon Johto

Post by TheVirgo Mon May 24, 2010 6:22 pm

Cancer looked around the area and felt that it was time. He'd spent so much time with his mother in Fortree City that he was beginning to wonder when it was his turn to journey around as he wanted. Venna chirped happily at his side seeming to feel her Trainer's emotions. He'd finally arrived in Goldenrod City via the train.

He was amazed at how much it differed from his home, Fortree City. People bustled by to get onto the train and the awe inspiring Radio Tower stood high above everything else. He walked over to the help desk,
"Hi, I was wondering where I'd find the Contest Hall?"
"The Contest Hall is down this street and opposite to the Game Corner" the lady replied.
He smiled a 'thank you' and headed off to register for the Johto Grand Festival with Venna close at his heels. The only thought in his head was "This is gonna be fun"

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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by The Dyslexic One Tue May 25, 2010 5:50 am

Nim entered Goldenrod City with a look of awe on his face. He had recently left his home town of Blackthorn city a week earlier and had made his way down to the Forrest which stood between him and the huge city he had just arrived in. Not only had he experienced leaving home for the first time; he caught his first pokemon too.

Nim found the gligar just on the outskirts of his home town and he didn't let go of his oportunities to catch his very own companion to share his adventure with. He had grown reletively close to Gligar between Blackthorn and Goldenrod and he thought he would just take a little time to relax here in the heart of Johto, who knows he may even make a few friends.

Nim strolled down the road with gligar on his back towards a big arena-like complex. The sign read: Goldenrod City Contest Hall, regestrations for the Johto Grand Festival now open!
"I wonder what that is," Nim said to Gligar, who seemed to be staring at another trainers pokemon on the other side of the street.
"Woah, Gligar, is that a Venonat?"
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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by MrCacti Tue May 25, 2010 5:59 am

As Leto was walking through his new home, he was befuddled. Where was his house again?

3 hours late for supper, he and Crow finally stumble home.

"Honey, is that you? Reina was looking for you."
"Thanks mom," he replied. "Where's my dinner?"
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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by TheVirgo Tue May 25, 2010 8:38 am

Looking at the sign "Goldenrod City Contest Hall, Registration for the Johto Grand Festival now open!" Cancer felt that his journey had finally begun. He stepped inside the complex and walked up to the counter
"Hi, I'd like to register for the Grand Festival"
"Sure, name and hometown?"
"My name's Cancer and I'm from Fortree City"
"Cancer...from Fortree City...Okay Cancer, you're all set!"
Just then, Venna jumped onto the table and chirped happily at the attendant.
"Oh! Is this your Venonat?"
"Mhm, her name's Venna"
"Well I can tell she'll be a hit in the Grand Festival"

Venna then leaped off the counter and ran toward a trainer and his Gligar who'd just entered...

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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by MrCacti Tue May 25, 2010 3:01 pm

"Reina! Nice to see you again, my friend." Leto said as he walked up to Reina.
Once again he and his long-time friend had one hell of a talk. Basically, it was about what was gonna happen with their Pokemon careers. Leto thought, and thought, and thought. Nothing came to him. Right then Reina was talking how Pikachu was an evolved pokemon.
"That's it! I'm going to go see The professor dude."

Before Reina could object, however, Leto was gone.

Last edited by MrCacti on Tue May 25, 2010 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by The Dyslexic One Tue May 25, 2010 3:07 pm

Suddenly the Venonat that Gligar was staring at run towards Nim and started chirping like mad. Gligar then leaped off Nim's back and down towards the Venonat.

"Hey, Im Nim, looks like our pokemon have taken quite a liking to each other," Nim said to the other trainer. He said his name was Cancer and that he had just arrived on a train from Fortree city in Hoen. "Well I'm from Blackthorn City right here in Johto, and Ive just arrived here earlier this morning."

"I have never heard of Contests, are you entering Venna?" Nim questioned
Cancer said that he and Cancer had come to Johto to specifically enter Contests and hopefully win the Johto Grand Festival. "I havnt really thought to much about where Im going from here, but I was seriously considering challenging gym leaders." "Anyways, We are going to go and grab a bite to eat, you and Venna are welcome to join us." Nim said as he started to walk towards the inner city.
The Dyslexic One
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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by TheVirgo Wed May 26, 2010 3:54 pm

As Cancer conversed with the Gligar's trainer, Nim, Venna began chirping and rubbing against his leg.

"I'd love to come along but Venna and I have to prepare for the Goldenrod Contest tomorrow. Rain check? Oh! How about you come see us in the Contest?!"

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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by The Dyslexic One Thu May 27, 2010 12:27 am

"Alright we'll be there!" Nim said as he walked off towards the shopping complex.
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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by Tunduli Fri May 28, 2010 7:16 am

Reina had been waiting, standing in the middle of Goldenrod city with her Mareep, just waiting for Leto. Leto had been her best friend since they were much younger, and they were supposed to meet here for the Goldenrod Contest. Reina didn't care too much for battling with her Mareep; she preferred being a co-ordinator. Captain Amarillo, her Mareep, was surprisingly good in Contests.

"Reina! Nice to see you again, my friend." A voice called. Startling slightly, Reina turned around, almost tripping over Captain. It was Leto, he had finally got here.

"Oh! Leto. Hey buddy," she gasped at first, before smiling back at him. She fiddled with her hair nervously - that was, until she fell deep into chat with Leto.

They chatted about everything, from what they had for dinner, how they got here, - anything, really.

"Did you hear - Hoenn's Winona and Sinnoh's Aaron's son is here! He's famous!" Reina said, getting slightly excited. "Word is, he's competing in the Goldenrod Contest." Leto looked thoughtful.
There was a moment of silence, as Reina tugged at the bottom of her blue jacket. "Oh, and did you
know - Pikachu is a second evolution? Pichu evolves in to Pikachu when it loves its trainer."

"That's it!" Leto grinned. "I'm going to go see the professor dude."

Before Reina could say anything, Leto ran off in the other direction.

Hmph. Reina thought to herself. Well, I'd better go look at the competition.

Reina walked through the many crowds of people in Goldenrod, just about managing to get to The Goldenrod City Contest Hall. She walked through the door to reach one of the front desks; a tall woman with ginger hair was standing behind.

"Hello, would you like to enter the Grand Competition?" the woman asked. Reina nodded nervously. "Okay, name and hometown, please."

"Reina Korzaki, Ecruteak city." Reina swallowed hard, trying not to shake or whisper.

"Thank you for entering." The tall woman smiled, nodding. Reina nodded back, forcing a weak smile.

Reina spinned on her heels, heading to the exit. She noticed a Gligar and a Venonat playing with each other. She had always enjoyed watching playful PokeMon, and smiled at their trainers - until she noticed who the Venonat belonged to.

Is that ... ? Reina thought to herself, freezing.
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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by MrCacti Fri May 28, 2010 7:36 am

Leto arrived at the Professor's house finding him gone.

"Ugh..... Stupid Professor....Not home..." Leto thought to himself. "Hmmmm....... Aren't I supposed to be somewhere? BLOODY HELL!!! REINA'S CONTEST!!!"

Leto jumped into action. He quickly flipped his bike out of his pack and pedaled as fast as possible. " Fricken. I'm soooo stupid. Crow, Fly ahead and give this to Reina." He tied a note on Crow's foot.

Just then he fell off his bike. A Shiny Furret ran off. "Ugh gotta... OH!" He was right outside the Contest Hall when he awoke.
"Reina.... Look I'm sorry. I just got distracted. "

Then Reina looked up." Why're you so bloody, Leto?" She asked looking scared.
"Shiny Furret... But I'm fine. Didn't you say Winona and Aaron's son is here?" He asked, clearly trying to change the subject.
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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by The Dyslexic One Fri May 28, 2010 6:39 pm

Nim arrived at the department store eager to hit the food court, when suddenly he spied a sign that read "All you can eat!" Nim immediatley lost all attention to reality as he was mesmerized by what stood before him. He ran stright into the restaurant and started to fill his plate with everything he could see. "Oh my god, gligar, it's about time we got a decent meal!" but gligar had no time to respond as he himself had started shoving the food down his throat.

As Nim and gligar were eating their piles of food a boy on a bike rode past and then fell over. "Jesus Christ, we better help him!" Nim exclaimed as he waddled over to the fallen boy as fast as he could after eating his enourmous lunch. The boy was unconcious but then a murkrow flew landed next to him and indicated to Nim that he must take the boy and follow.

Nim carried the boy back to the Contest Hall where he had met the guy with the venonat earlier that day. A girl ran towards them and starting checking if the boy was alright. He then woke up and the two began talking without even noticing Nim.
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Pokemon Johto Empty Re: Pokemon Johto

Post by MrCacti Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:24 am

"Hey, its that same Furret! Reina, I swear see!" Leto yelled at Reina. " Its mine! Go, Murkrow! BraveBird!" The Murkrow flies high into the sky, shrouded in blue, and falls toward the ground, and then bursts into flames.

"Leto, Watch it! You'll burn- Whatshis-face and his Gligar. Stop Leto!" But it was to late. Obviously she didn't know the effects of Brave Bird. The Furret squirmed then fainted. "Leto, you hurt it."

"Reina, you have to hurt Pokemon to catch em. Murkrow, remember I broke your wing? On accident."

"Krow, Krow" he cooed slowly as he flapped his crooked wing.

"Reina, where'd you get Cap'n Amarillo? I know, I know, your dad. Where'd he get it? I know it isn't from the Safari. He hurt Amarillo too. right?"

"Fine I see your point but- Hey! Leto! Tsk Tsk." Leto wasn't listening just tossing Pokeballs at the Furret. Finally after ten, it caught.

" Finally! Krow, your new friend is......." he was at a lose for words, "Suziko. Soo... What is your name stranger? Nim is it?"

"Wait how'd you know, Leto?" he asked.

"Your recipe, you dropped it." Leto and Reina replied in unison.

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