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[Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub

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[Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub Empty [Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub

Post by Tunduli Fri May 28, 2010 1:22 pm

The sign ups are still open. Just post here or PM me/MrCacti.

Heeyy ~

Well, Mr Cacti and I have been thinking of starting up an RP set in Hoenn. We need more people to join, and so this thread was made. xD
The Story - Will be revealed later on. ^__~

All we need to know isssss ...
Home town:
Appearance (pic could be used):

Main PokeMon:
Moves: (not limited to 4, but don't give them like 23, and can be ones that aren't learnable in-game but keep it reasonable) ]
Other Party PokeMon:

Here's mine;

Name: Andi Korwaski
Age: 16 (and three quarters)
Home town: Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Appearance: [Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub Ofzxpl[Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub 2jch761<-NormalOutfit[Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub 2eqb0cw <-ContestOutfit
Personality: Andi has a quite outgoing personality, and can be cheeky if she wants to. She's generally kind, but if you get on the wrong side of her, there's a sting in her tail. Andi's a real tomboy, and wouldn't wear a dress if she was paid to. She's a keen battler, but prefers to compete in contests.

Main PokeMon: Luxray
[Nickname: E
Moves: Charge, Volt Tackle, Crunch, Ice Fang, Rainy Day, Thunder (will add more as RP continues)]
Other Party PokeMon: Ninetails, Altaria, Smeargle, Marstomp, shiny Roserade.

Join now, while you still caaaann ~ <3

Last edited by Tunduli on Mon May 31, 2010 6:56 am; edited 1 time in total
Novice Trainer

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Join date : 2010-04-06
Location : Valley Windworks, Sinnoh

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[Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: [Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub

Post by MrCacti Fri May 28, 2010 2:09 pm

I better be validated as I helped make this XD

Name: Brandon Koyo
Age: 17
Home town: Fallarbor
Appearance (pic could be used): Mugshot [Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub 2s0cqa8 Usual outfit: [Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub 2dkl7yc Contest Outfit: [Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub 35k7gbl
Personality: Natural born battler. After Andi asked him out he somewhat picked up contests, but still prefers the battling way. Came from Fallarbor and currently lives there. Met Andi when she came to Fallarbor for a Contest.His Plusle and Minun are brother and sister, so they work well.

Team: *Minun
1. Thunderpunch
2. Substitute
3. Sing
4. Wish
5. Thunder
6. Nasty Plot

1. Signal Beam
2. Headbutt
3. Signal Beam
4. Swift
5. Discharge
6. Substitute

Other: Crawdaunt.

Last edited by MrCacti on Mon May 31, 2010 5:12 am; edited 2 times in total
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Join date : 2010-04-06
Location : Somewhere in the Desert on Rt. 228

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[Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: [Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub

Post by The Dyslexic One Sun May 30, 2010 1:55 am

Name: Walt Stevburg
Age: 16
Hometown: Verdanturf Town
Appearance: Light brown spiky hair with a red and black headband, a red jumper with a black stripe in the middle, baggy brown shorts and slipon sandals. He always looks abit tired and is a little tubby but not fat. I havnt got a pic cause I can't draw or sprite and I can't get onto Charms to get one requested.

Personality: Walt has left his hometown of Verdanturf to see experience the world world of pokemon first hand and perdue his dreams of being a breeder. His granpa has lent him his Camerupt, Cha-Cha, for guidance as Walt hasn't received his own pokemon yet. When he enters the RP he will have his own newly caught whismur and he will defo catch a slakoth along the way cause it will suit him perfectly. Smile

Pokemon: Cha-Cha the Camerupt, Whismur and at some point a slakoth. The rest will just come later on.
The Dyslexic One
The Dyslexic One
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[Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: [Sign Up] Hoenn Hubbub

Post by Tunduli Mon May 31, 2010 6:54 am

Mmkays, both of you are ready to go. :3

MrCacti'll be posting the RP soon. Go seeeee ~ <3
Novice Trainer

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Join date : 2010-04-06
Location : Valley Windworks, Sinnoh

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