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Hoenn Hubbub

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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Hoenn Hubbub

Post by MrCacti Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:05 am

Brandon walked out of his home in Fallarbor to see the Luxray that greeted him most mornings. "Well, hullo E." He greeted as they started walking. He was pretty tan from working in the fields all year.

"What kooky place is Andi waiting today?" He asked the Pokemon. A little boy and his mother looked at him questionably.

"Why, Ronnie, don't stare at him. Just walk away slooowwllyyyy," She muttered.

The Luxray named E lead him to the waterfall, jumped in and swam south aways. "Lux-lux." he cooed at Brandon.
Immediately Brandon knew.

"Andi's secret base." he muttered then he took off his vest, and called upon his faithful Crawdaunt. "We're going for a swim, Chay."
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by Tunduli Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:39 pm

Andi quickly tidied up inside the secret cavern. She was standing up on the landing (or rather, the flat area on the wall that people could stand on straight) and had been waiting in here for her boyfriend to come since she got up. There was a very important competition and tournament coming up; Andi was planning to participate in the competition. Ever since that morning when she heard about it, she had been wondering if Brandon would take part in the battling tournament.

She looked around the room hastily; - it seemed like she had tidied up everything, books, clothes, paper ... that seemed like it.

There was a noise coming from the entrance of the cavern. It sounded like someone had been swimming up to cave, making their way to Andi's cavern. Andi's Altaria, Breia, had been dusting around the cave, and turned to look at Andi.

Intruder? Or friend? Andi thought to herself.

There was a knock on the door, before a familiar sound called. "Raaaaaay ~" the voice echoed. "Hey, Andi, it's me." a different, still familiar voice called through.

Andi smiled to herself silently, jumping down from the wall. "Come in, E, Brandon."
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by MrCacti Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:54 pm

As he walked in, Brandon was surprised. Andi had came to Fallarbor and made her base less than a month ago.

"Where the hell'd you get this stuff?" He asked Andi, clearly gaping around." My step-sister Elaine is on top of all of these fashions, but has never seen any of this."

"Uggh. Elaine," she replied. It was clear that Elaine was jealous of Andi. "Oh, all these are Sinnoh decs."

"Clearly sinnoh uses weird words. "Decs" instead of decorations," he thought to himself.

"Anyways have you heard of the tournament?" Andi pressed on.

"Wha? No actually I haven't. But I have heard of the contest.... I'm in."

"That's the spirit. Now, is Elaine gonna be there?"

"Well, well. What do we have here? My big bro and his girly-friend. What are you doing, Loser, with my brother?"

"Well, you stalker," Brandon replied, " Haven't you heard? A special contest is coming, along with a tournament."

Snottily, Elaine replied." Ooooohhhhh. Andrea's gonna dress up for the contest. Too bad. It'll be in vain. She'll lose to Conor for sure." Conor was her "Boyfriend". She hung around with him and asked him out regularly, which he denied regularly.

"But Don't you know? Conor's sick as a dog. I should know, as he's my neighbor." Andi shot back.
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by Tunduli Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:18 pm

"Sick as a dog?" Elaine whistled, suddenly cracking up. "What is that supposed to mean? Have you poisoned him?" she giggled wildly.

Andi walked up to Elaine, her nose about two inches away from Elaine's.

"I might have." Andi whispered menacingly.

Elaine's face suddenly 'broke'. Her mouth drooped and her eyes widened. She stared deeply into Andi's eyes, looking utterly horrified. Andi grinned and closed her eyes.

"W-well ... " Elaine stuttered. "I ... I don't care. You'll fail anyways."
Elaine walked quickly out of the 'hideout'. Andi was still grinning as she did so, and turned around to face Brandon. He looked quite awestruck.

Andi giggled. "Don't worry, I was joking."
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by The Dyslexic One Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:37 pm

Walt and His granpa's camerupt, Cha Cha, were walking through the woods near Rustborough, where they had arrived that morning after leaving verdanturf. "Its gotta be here somewhere," he said to himself. They were looking for a pokemon Walt had heard about from his granpa, it was supposed to be a sloth and was apparently the favoured pokemon used by his ancestors.

Suddenly a large object fell from a tree above. It was the pokemon!
"Cha Cha, use take down!" Walt commanded to the camerupt. It was a direct hit. Walt immediately threw a pokeballs at the slakoth and caught it. "Cha Cha return!" " Go Slakoth and Whismur!"

The two recently caught pokemon of Walt's seemed to enjoy each others company. "Come on, guys let's head back to town and get outta this forest."
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by MrCacti Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:45 am

"Thank you for registering, Koyo's." The attendant replied.

"Why'd you register as Koyo, you freakin stalker?" Brandon asked as soon as they were out of earshot. " Your mom, and my dad aren't even married."

"Well," Elaine replied, " It'll be good for the press. I mean, if me and you face off, it'll be like, 'A brother and Sister fighting it out.' Can't you see it?"

Riiinnnngggg, Riiiiiiiinnnnnnggggggg, RRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG blared Brandon's PokeNav.

"What?!? I'm supposed to register that br- I mean, Elaine's "Boyfriend""
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by Tunduli Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:39 am

Andi giggled as she heard Brandon and Elaine's little argument. Elaine always done little annoying things like that, and Brandon always got annoyed.

"And your name ..." A voice murmured.

Andi looked up to see that Brandon and Elaine had moved away from the registerial counter. The attendant was scribbling something down in a notebook.

"Oh, Andi. Well, Andrea Korwaski," Andi smiled politely, leaning on the counter and fiddling with her fingers.

"Registering for the Battle Tournament, or Co-Ordinating Tournament?" The attendant asked, looking up at Andi.

"Co-Ordinating." Andi answered. "My PokeMon are Luxray, Roserade, Smeargle, Marstomp and Altaria."

"Thank you for registering, Miss Korwaski." The attendant smiled politely as she scribbled down on her notepad again. "We hope to see you participating in the Contests."

Andi smiled at the attendant and quickly darted off to catch up with Brandon and Elaine.
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by MrCacti Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:56 am

"Well, Well. The dog's here. Go fetch the premier ball, girl." Elaine hissed at Andi, and then threw out a Premier Ball. Being polite as she is, Andi scowled, and walked to pick it up. Out of It sprang a strangly colored Machamp, which then gave Andi a snake bite which left a nasty Krabby-red mark on her arm. Then Andi sprang into action.

"Andi! Calm down! You'll be disqualified if you don't stop now!" Brandon yelled. Andi was punching the snot outta Elaine, quit literally. Blood and snot was covering half of Elaine's face.

"HELP ME! HELP ME PLEASE! Heeeeeellllppppp!" Elaine cried out. Once again the Machamp attacked. however this time E sprang and latched its jaws onto the belt that all Machamps have, and gave a quick tug. The Machamp quickly lost all its muscle.

Elaine quickly fainted, and Andi stopped. She had accomplished her job. "Andi, Andi, calm down," Brandon said as he embrace her. "The bad Thing is gone now. Shhhh." Soon enough Andi fell asleep in Brandon's arms. Then, he returned each of the Pokemon to their respective Pokeballs and back to the trainers, while Andi never left his arms.

Then, half an hour later, Bramdon arrived home, half-dragging, half-carrying Elaine, while Andi sulked back. Sorry that Elaine's a fat pig," Brandon called back to her. "I've known her since childhood and she's always sorta like me. Her mom and My Dad started dating when I ten. Sooner than you know, they're engaged." Then Andi sorta half-aknowledged him and started for home.
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by Tunduli Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:24 am

Andi was like that; she sometimes had random anger spurts - usually caused by 'Elaine the Pain'. Brandon knew about these, and was one of the only things that could calm Andi back down after she'd done so.

After going with Brandon back to his house, Andi apologised to Ms. Koyo for 'accidently' beating up her daughter.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Koyo," Andi said. "Elaine the p- I mean, Elaine was taunting me. She even got her Machamp to attack me." Andi held out her arm and showed off the bite wound.

Brandon's mother sighed. "I guess I'll have to let you off with it. Elaine can get a bit ... frustrating. I'll tell her off for making a PokeMon attack you, but if you do it again, I'm going to have to take action."

"Eh, yessir." Andi closed her eyes and smiled slightly.* "I'll try not to. Ehem."

OOC: * - sort of like ^-^;
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by The Dyslexic One Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:17 am

" Good work Slakoth" Walt said as Slakoth smashed a rock that was in the way of the exit of the cave. Walt had recently just left Rustboro heading for Fallabour Town. He had heard that there was going to be a big contest there and he didn't want to miss all the rare pokemon he could observe. He had been going through a cave and he and his recently caught Slakoth had established a good bond on the trip.

"Looks like we've made it guys" Walt said to his pokemon. "Slak, Slak!" Slakoth exclaimed in excitement as he clapped his hands together while Whismur was running around in circles with glee. "Lets head to the pokemon Center!"

As Walt was walking into town he saw a boy and a girl who looked about his age giggling as a women was closing the door to a house. "I wonder if these two would be able to point me to the direction of the Contest Hall?" Walt said to himself as he began to approach the pair.

OOC: Yeah Im back after my Internet decided to work again, and now that Ive got Walt to Falorbour we can really get this thing started ^_^
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by MrCacti Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:18 am

"Hmmm...." Brandon was thinking carefully on which pokemon to use in which rounds.

Minun, Chay, Plusle, Pluse, Chay, Minun was the finalorder he chose. That was today's order..... WAIT! TODAYS order?

"That's right." He thought. "It's been three days since-Ugh. sorry Man, didn't see ya. I'm Brandon Koyo. I'll be in the Battale Tournament. You are?"

"Walt." the boy with the slakoth replied. "There's a tournament, AND a contest?" He seemed genuinly surprised.

"Well, ya. The council decided two would be better than one, so ya. But if you didn't enter before yesterday, you can't participate. But if you stick around, the winners are receiving "rare" pokemon. Probly just Pikas... Sorry, am I droning on?"

"No you're fine," he replied. " Where can we eat?"
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by Tunduli Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:53 am

"Sorry Man, didn't see ya. I'm Brandon Koyo." Brandon told the boy they had walked into. "I'll be in the Battale Tournament. You are?"

"Walt." the boy with the slakoth replied. "There's a tournament, AND a contest?" He seemed genuinly surprised.

"Well, ya. The council decided two would be better than one, so ya. But if you didn't enter before yesterday, you can't participate. But if you stick around, the winners are receiving "rare" pokemon. Probly just Pikas... Sorry, am I droning on?"

"No you're fine," he replied. " Where can we eat?"

"Ho-ho-HOLD it there, Brandy." Andi said, waving her hands. "Isn't there like ... one extra, special place for the tournament? I think there's a mini-tournament for the very last place. A battle of some-sort." Andi smiled. "If you know what you're doing, Walt - is it? - then I guess you might just get in."
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by MrCacti Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:49 am

Attention all contest co-ordinaters! The contest will soon be started!

"Ahh! I'm barely ready! Umm... Walt sorry but Brandon and I have to go! Comeon Brandon! Help me get ready, kay?" She was obviously rushed and nervous. " Brandy.... I'll pull you by your ear!" She started walking to Brandon, who still stood inches taller, and looked threateningly.

"Sorry Walt. But hey gimme your PokeNav. I'll register myself, while you register me." They traded phone numbers and 'Navs and traded back." Thanks, bro. Cya round."

45 Minutes Later:

Attention, first round of Fallarbor master contest commencing! First, Conor of Lavaridge and Ludi!

Conor runs outstage with his Ludicolo following. "Your turn Ludi! Don't sog the toast! Rain Dance!" AHHH!! rang out from crowd as they got yet. " Now, Giga Drain all the water!" Ludi absorbed all the water and then slowly they just walked offstage. "Beat that Korwaski," he hissed at Andi as he passed.

Next up, Andi of Jubilife and E!

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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by Tunduli Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:27 am

Andi's heart pushed against her chest. This was one of the biggest crowds that she had ever performed in front of. She had been watching Conor performing from sidestage and it had looked quite good, - but Andi had something up her sleeve.

"Good luck, Andi." Brandon whispered to Andi just before she went on stage. Instead of her usual black and blue fedora, white T, waistcoat, blue jeans, black trainers and black and white fingerless gloves; Andi was wearing a dark-blue shirt, waistcoat, black jeans with a silver chain hanging from the belt, white fingerless gloves and dark blue trainers.

"Okay, E," Andi muttered as she stood in center stage. "Rain Dance!"

E stood on his hind legs and let out a feisty roar. Rain started pelting down from the ceiling; but soft, refreshing rain (unlike Conor's).

"Nice one." Andi smiled. "Okay, Thunder!"

E stood back on all fours and focused all of his energy. Quickly, a huge bolt of lightning struck center stage. Thunder could be heard echoing all around the room.

"Quickly, Icy Wind!" Andi commanded, pointing at the lightning bolt. Having moves that he shouldn't have comes in handy at points~ Andi thought to herself. Quickly, E howled and ice struck the lightning bolt, freezing it in place. There were gasps of awe from the crowd as the frozen lightning bolt shimmered beautifully.

"Okay, last but not least ..." Andi muttered. "Discharge."

"Luuuux ... Raaaay~" E howled as he let out a strong, sharp pulse of electricity, that quickly hit the block of ice and shattered it into tiny peices that hung in the rain.

"Wooh!" Andi cheered. "E, you done good."
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Hoenn Hubbub Empty Re: Hoenn Hubbub

Post by MrCacti Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:52 am

After 38 more competitors, the day was done with. Among passers included Andi and Conor. Quickly a crew of workers was changing the scene to a new battle field. Behind stage, a huge mess of people were congratulating the advancing contest goers, while the Battlers were getting ready.

"Nice one Andi," Brandon said as she walked over to him. "And now it's my turn." He stode over with Andi at his side, to a group of other competitors, including, Elaine and Tyler, and sat down next to them.

"Hey, Andi. I got 2 Ultra Balls. Wanna see them?" Tyler said in an impolite manner. "What you scared of an Emo?" He responded when she looked angry."

"Not scared. Just thinking that you're a jerk. I'm taken you know." Then she stomped away angrily."

"Way to go you stupid emo." Jon, Andi's 22 year old brother stepped in. " You mess with her again, and you're going through that table, you hear?" He pointed at a 2 inch thick solid metal table that was bolted to the floor.

"Ooh I'm so-aaaccckkk!" Tyler screemed as he was hoisted up above Jon's head, "Scared now, twerp?" He asked threateningly.

"Ok man. Let me down. If you dont i'll- i'll......" Jon wasn't listening though, so he set him down and then Tyler flipped out a knife and went to work. Then Brandon and Jon went to find Andi and attempt to calm her down.
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